Author Archive

A day in the Neolitihc

Through the observation of reconstructions and exhibits exposed in the museum and thanks to experimental archaeology activities, such as grinding, clay working and the usage of tools in use in this period, students will be guided to discover the daily activities of Neolithic man.

A day as an etruscan

Through the observation of artefacts and reconstructions exposed in the museum and thanks to experimental archaeology activities, such as metalworking and writing on typical supports, the students will be guided to discover the Etruscan people.

The forest and its inhabitants

Through a visit to the forest and the construction of a small diorama, the students will learn about the animals and plants that populate the Tuscan woods, recognise their tracks and respect the delicate ecosystem of the undergrowth.

Mimetic animals

Through graphic mimetic games the students will be guided into the world of the animal mimicry, the practical part will be accompanied by the direct observations of colours, textures and colour variations directly on naturalistic preparations.

Rete muse ale della Valdera

Valdera Musei

Rete museale della Valdera

Regione Toscana


Comune di Capannoli

Municipalilty of

Terre di Pisa

Terre di Pisa

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