Parco della villa

Botanical Park

The Villa Baciocchi’s botanical park has been ideated in the second half of the 800 by Luigi Bellingioni. The architect reorganized the already existent garden changing the viability, the accesses and the perimeters. He had built small neogothic buildings, rustic grottoes and small frescoed shrines, he introduced new plants. Today it is a dense park with tall vegetation, about 160 botanical species live there, some of them exotic, and some monumental trees.

One of these trees is the Holm oak, an evergreen plant typical of the Mediterranean maquis, which during its long life (up to a thousand years!) can reach 20-30 metres. It belongs to the same family as the beech and the oak and, like it, produces acorns.

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Valdera Musei

Rete museale della Valdera

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