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The world of volcanos


Knowledge of one of the most spectacular and devastating phenomena of Earth. Understand the energy inside the Earth.


Discovery volcanos: how they are found, their evolution and where they are. We will study the main eruption and we will deal with the study of Italian volcanos. Furthermore, we will study the various products arising out of eruptions by observing the several rock specimens.

Practical part

Reproduction of the various type of volcanic eruption with a scale model, studying the volcanic rocks.


primary school III-IV-V grades high school



Have a good knowledge of the evolution of plants world.

Theoretical part

Walking in the botanic park, we will travel through time discovering the evolution of plants. Starting from the primordial fem, the conifers up to the most developed plants as the broadleaf with flowers.

Practical part

Construction of an herbarium and plaster casts representing the main leaves.


primary school III-IV-V grades high school



Have a good knowledge of the ecosystem and its delicate internal balances, discover the animal and plant’s species who are part of it.


We will have a trip into villa Baciocchi park discovering trees and tracks of animals living there. As real naturalists we will classify the collected finds (such as pines, leaves, seeds and footprints) to understand the links between flora and fauna. We will also watch at some monumental trees and a rare authentic living fossil.

Practical part

Realization of a register collecting the material found into the park.


nursery school primary school high school

When the Earth quakes


Explain in a simple and at the same time scientific way, the main mechanisms which cause earthquakes.

Theoretical part

Starting from the internal structure, we will explain what are the seismic waves, how such natural phenomena occur, and how we can protect from seismic dangers.

Practical part

Through the use of a simulator, we will verify the propagation of the seismic waves, we will experience the earthquake-resistant structures and we will reproduce the effect of an earthquakes.


primary school IV-V grades high school

How Earth looks like


Have a good knowledge of the Earth internal structure and the dynamics of the Earth’s crust; understand how mountain is formed.

Theoretical part

Through a scale model, we will examine the single parts that compose the inside of the Earth, we will learn how Earth constantly evolving, the shaping of the terrestrial surface.

By the observation of different specimens, we may be aware of such features of the most common rocks.

Practical part

Realization of a models reproducing the inside of the Earth.


school III-IV-V grades high school

Rete muse ale della Valdera

Valdera Musei

Rete museale della Valdera

Regione Toscana


Comune di Capannoli

Municipalilty of

Terre di Pisa

Terre di Pisa

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